

  1. [Oral Presentation] Kenji Kajiwara, Integrable Systems and Geometry of Aesthetic Shapes, Discrete geometric analysis and related areas 2019, 2019.12.8, CIC Tokyo.
  2. [Oral Presentation] Kenji Kajiwara, Recent Developments of Theory of Integrable Systems: from Solvable Chaos to Geometry of Aesthetic Shapes, 2019 2nd General Meeting of CryptoMathCREST, 2019.12.17, IMI Auditorium, Kyushu University.
  3. [Oral Presentation] Kenji Kajiwara, Jun-ichi Inoguchi, Kenjiro T. Miura and Wolfgang K. Schief,
    Log-aestiethic curves in industrial design as similarity analogue of Euler’s elastic curves,
    Autumn School “Geometric Shape Generation”, 2018.10.4, Vienna Technical University (Austria).
  4. [Poster Presentation] Kenji Kajiwara, Nozomu Matsuura and Heyongki Park,
    Lotka-Volterra flow on discrete centroaffine plane curves,
    13th International Conference on Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations,
    2018.11.15, JR Hakata City Meeting Rooms,Fukuoka. http://side13conference.net/